I want to make this page about tutorials to help people run their Google workspace accounts and how to set up the tv menus.
the two youtube videos are great one on dns servers, i learned a lot and one on workspace basics.
I had some trouble getting my workspace to work on my chrome book so i want that added here too.
i choose not to host my site on square space because I want to show people what I want them to buy.
the google video said they have guys who can help you set up google workspace for reasonable fee. i want to look into that to find out and maybe have that as a feather in my cap to help people set up workspace for their busines but really i want to find my own guru
I want to add a that having a hosted website is like having a to do list that is accessible by everyone, i need to remember the features eddie could use to help his guys stay updated. but lets not reinvent the horse here.
how do i get previews for the youtube videos that go with the links
in the youtube it said if you were logged into the workspace it would log you into canva quickly. is there a way to make my canva from rhys@gmail switch over to rhys@tvmenus to be more business related, probably a Canva setting.
I hired Ayesha to make my newphews business card. I should put an image here I think she make me 3 designs. I hired her when she was in pakastan and now she lives in Kansa or Iowa
plus find out how to make spekk check work here, this is super anoiding that is does not spell check
ask the el salvador girl to make a video like this and to see the google certificates